In Solution Builder, you manage project-related files in the Project pane. By default, project files are stored in the Installation directory, in the files/proj/projectname directory. Pages for Solution Builder projects are stored in .dg5 file format. Files that you add to the project, for example, images or lookup files, are stored in the data and assets folders or in folders that you create in the project. To add fonts to a project, create a folder named "fonts," upload the desired font files to it, and refresh the web browser. If you want to use the same fonts in all your projects, add the fonts to a template project and use the template as a starting point for all new projects.
To manage users' access to a project, choose Project > Project Properties and specify the desired access settings.
Pages are not locked when you edit them. To prevent inadvertent overwriting of changes, ensure that only one person at a time edits a page. You can use your source control system to manage concurrent access to the proj folder.
If you import a project into another project as a library and make changes to the library, be advised that your changes affect the imported project and all other project that have imported that project. This feature has the benefit of centralizing the contents of projects that are used as libraries, but requires you to be aware that your changes affect all users of the library project.
Templates enable you to create projects quickly by copying a set of project files that contain the assets you know all your projects will require. [Download templates]
To create a template:
The project is saved as a template that can be used by all users who have access to it.
To create a project using a template, choose Project > New Project and select the desired template.
Note: If a template is changed after you use it to create a project, Solution Builder does not promote those changes throughout the project.
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